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پروژه ها و دستاورد های گروه فناور مهندسی مواد

طرح های پژوهشی انجام شده و د ر حال انجام:

1) تولید آلیاژهای ممنیزمی

2) تولید کامپوزیت های زمینه منیزیمی

3) تولید میکرو کامپوزیت Al/Al2O3

4) تولید میکرو و نانو کامپوزیت Al356/Al2O3،

5)تولید نانو کامپوزیت Al6061/Al2O3

6)تولید ورقهای کامپوزیتی Al5053/TiC،

7)تولید ورق های کامپوزیتی Al6061/SiC و بررسی خواص آن.

8)تولید نانو کامپوزیت زمینه منیزمی AZ80/Al2O3.

9)تولید نانو کامپوزیت هیبریدی AZ80/Al2O3/Graphen

10)بررسی رفتار تغییر شکل گرم سوپر آلیاژهای پایه نیکل، قرارداد با دانشگاه صنعتی مالک اشتر،


خلاصه ای از مقالات منتشر شده در مجلات معتبر داخلی و خارجی مرکز:


1) Comparison of microstructure and mechanical properties of A356 aluminum alloy/Al2O3 Composites fabricated by stir and compo-casting processes, Accepted by Journal of Materials and Design, 2012.

2) Fabrication of A356 composite reinforced with micro and nano Al2O3 particles by a developed com po-casting method and study of its properties, Accepted by Journal of Alloy and Compound, 2011.

3) Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al–Al2O3 Micro and Nano Composites fabricated by Stir casting, Accepted by Journal of Material Science and Engineering A, 2011.

4) Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded Al-Al2O3 composites fabricated by stir-casting process, Accepted by Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013

5) Investigation of Microstructure and Mechanical properties of Al6061-nanocomposite fabricated by stir casting, Materials and Design 55 (2014) 921–928.

6) An investigation of the tensile and compressive properties of Al6061 and its nanocomposites in as-cast state and in extruded condition, Materials Science and EngineeringA607(2014)589–595.

8) Optimum selection of A356/Al2O3 composite fabricated with different conditions based on AHP selection method, Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L [PIL], 2015.

9) The effect of Al2O3-nanoparticles as the reinforcement additive on the hot deformation behavior of 7075 aluminum alloy, Materials and Design, 2015.

10) Fractography of Al6061 and its nanocomposites fabricated by casting, Proceedings of Iran International Aluminum Conference (IIAC2014), Tehran, Iran

11) An investigation on microstructure properties of Al6061/Al2O3 nanocomposite in as-cast state and in extruded condition,Proceedings of Iran International Aluminum Conference (IIAC2014), Tehran, I.R. Iran

12)Comparison of microstructure and mechanical properties of A356 aluminum alloy/Al2O3 Composites fabricated by stir and compo-casting processes, Proceedings of Iran International Aluminum Conference (IIAC2012) May 15-16, 2012, Arak, I.R. Iran.

13) Extruding of Al-Al2O3 composites fabricated by stir-casting process, Proceedings of Iran International Aluminum Conference (IIAC2012), May 15-16, 2012, Arak, I.R. Iran

14)  Fabrication and structure properties of compocast with using inert gas of A356 aluminum alloy reinforced with nano-microsized Al2O3, 2 nd conferences of applications of nanotechnology in sciences, Engineering and medicine, Azad University of Mashhad, 2011.